Monday, April 30, 2012


Four years ago, Barack Obama’s election campaign slogan was ‘Hope and Change’. He made dozens of promises, most of which he couldn’t or wouldn't keep.

Now we have his challenger, Mitt Romney, making a lot of promises. Although he does not use Obama’s 2008 slogan, the promises Romney has been making represent hope and change to his supporters.

Here are some of Romney’s promises:

__I will put the nation on a path to a balanced budget.

__I will cut an array of taxes.

__I will reduce tax loopholes.

__I will build up the Navy and Air Force.

__I will add 100,000 active-duty military personnel.

__I will slash domestic spending.

__I will get rid of Obamacare (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act).

__ I will reduce the size of the government.

Wonderful! Of course, but there is just one problem – Romney has made these promises since the beginning of his campaign but has yet to spell out how he is going carry them out.

Where is he going to slash enough domestic spending to balance the budget while spending more money on the Navy and Air Force and on enlarging the military by 100,00 troops? The only place he can slash spending in any meaningful way is by slashing entitlement programs that benefit the elderly and poor. Good luck on getting Congress to go along with that.

Get rid of Obamacare? If the Supreme Court does not gut Obama’s health care program, how is Romney going to get that through Congress?

Cut taxes and reduce tax loopholes? Does Romney really expect to recoup the revenue lost through his promised tax cuts by reducing tax loopholes? Come on Mitt, get real! The tax loophole lobbyists will make sure that Congress keeps the most lucrative loopholes in place. And if somehow Romney did manage to reduce those loopholes, the revenue gained thereby would not come anywhere close to recouping the revenue lost by his tax cuts.

Reduce the size of government? Oh yeah! Every Republican presidential candidate since Reagan has promised to do that. And what happened while they were in office after they got elected? The size of the government always got larger.

In order for Romney to keep his promises, he needs to show us the money! He can’t do that because he’s full of bullshit.

When all is said and done, should Romney defeat Obama, he will end up breaking as many promises as his predecessor has broken.

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