Friday, August 29, 2014


A cellphone some distance from the shooting picked up the sound of 11 shots at exactly the same time officer Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown

A cellphone conversation between an unnamed man and another individual picked up the sound of 11 shots at exactly the same time Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown. Glide, a video messaging service, verified the authenticity and time of the recording. The cellphone conversation took place some distance from the shooting. The audio recording has been turned over to the FBI.

There were seven shots, followed by a pause, and then four more shots. If this is indeed a recording of the Brown shooting, that pause is not going to help Wilson when – notice, I said ‘when’ and not ‘if’ - he is brought up on charges.

Lopa Blumenthal, the attorney for the man who owns the cellphone, said the firing sequence shows that Wilson had a clear ‘point of contemplation’ as he was shooting at Brown.

Retired Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal Matthew Fog said:

There sounds like a pause in it. And when you hear that pause it brings some concern. It is very significant, because if you have a pause there it means somebody had time to think and then fire again.

To me it appears that Wilson could have fired seven shots at Brown, paused a moment, and because the 6'4", 292 lb. man continued to charge at him, he fired again. But that’s not the way it will be seen by those determined to hang a murder rap on Wilson.

Adding to Wilson’s problem is the fact that the sequence of shots picked up by the audio recording do not jive with the version of the shooting put out by Wilson and the Ferguson Police Department.

I’ve said that Wilson is burned toast. That audio just burned him some more.

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