Monday, September 25, 2017


by Bob Walsh

Yes, it is sad but true. Free Speech no longer exists in that former bastion of free thought and expression, Berkeley, CA and the UC Berkeley campus.

Some people are saying the school killed it off. Others are asserting that the expected/scheduled speakers backed out. Milo Yiannopoulos says he is going to show up anyway. Ann Coulter says she is not.

Since the student groups that were sponsoring the event are no longer doing so there will not be any sort of "official" event but some are saying that some sort of happening will take place anyway. That likely means at least threats of violence and property damage. Maybe more than simple threats.

The last time Yiannopolous tried to speak, back in February, about 1,000 more or less peaceful protestors showed up. Then about 150 Anti-Fa thugs, masked and armed, showed up and started a riot. The cops held a circle-jerk while the thugs attacked people and busted up property.

The student groups that were planning and sponsoring the event have filed a complaint with the US Department of Justice, asserting that the university has engaged in a significant pattern of first amendment violations.

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