Sunday, September 18, 2022


By Bob Walsh



Regular readers will remember I have opined several times of late concerning the apparent mess with the Stockton Unified School District, which is likely to be put into receivership by the state due to at a minimum financial incompetence and maybe outright thievery.  

The homeboy hookup for former Superintendent John Ramirez Jr. is now being described as a "position" and not a "job" by the district Board of Trustees.  The same day that Ramirez resigned the board (in a closed session) created the position of "superintendent emeritus" for Ramirez, with the exact same pay and benefits package he had had in the regular gig.  This move was, among other things, a clear violation of state law assuming, of course, this is viewed as a job.  The "new" job pays $285,000 plus the benefits package.

The the San Joaquin County Superintendent of Schools, Troy Brown, wrote both the SUSD board and the District Attorney protesting the new gig for Ramirez and pointing out the legal problems attached to it.  If the state does take over SUSD it is very likely the county will be appointed to take over operation of the district.

The D.A, Tori Salazar, said on August 31 that she would be watching the board very closely over the next 30 days to see what action they take to correct the situation.  It does not seem that she is impressed by the "position" vs "job" argument.  I can't say that I blame her.

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