Thursday, February 04, 2010


The bean counters’ solution to fixing Los Angeles’ $218 million budget shortfall – stick it to the police and fuck the public’s safety in order to save $69.3 million.

By Bob Walsh

PacoVilla Corrections blog
February 4, 2010

A budget analyst has suggested that the LAPD could save over $69 million by the simple expedience of cutting way back on it's police department. The suggestion would be to eliminate 616 current probationary officers and back off on plans to hire another 106 cops.

As one might expect, the prospect of thousands of released criminals running around the streets combined with a significant reduction in the police force is not appealing to the taxpayers or a number of the city council.

Additionally, LAPD has what is possibly THE MOST restrictive gun permit policy in the state. For many, many years the LAPD had issued only ONE gun permit, that was to a guy they hired from out of state as the Chief of Police who had not passed the POST test to get certified in California. They had to loosen up slightly in response to lawsuits, but it is still an almost impossible task, leaving only cops and criminals with guns.

1 comment:

Centurion said...

Personally I think this is a great idea, only they aren't going far enough with it.

Think about this. Cut out the police department alltogether. Ad the sherrif's department. Los Angeles County alone would save hundreds of millions of dollars.

But the savings would not stop there. If we have no law enforcement agency....we need no prosecutors or criminal courts or judges. There's another couple hundred million.

And.....if we have no courts and no cops.....pretty soon we won't need jails or prisons either. No expensive prison expense of health care or feeding thousands of inmates.

That would save BILLIONS.

I think this may just be the solution to the current budget shortfalls....