Thursday, October 02, 2014


By Bob Walsh

PACOVILLA Corrections blog
September 30, 2014

The formerly great state of California is now safe……from the horrendous and devastating scourge of single-use plastic bags.

Our dearly beloved maximum leader, Jerry ’Moonbeam’ Brown, has signed legislation that would make handing out such bags in a grocery store or pharmacy an offense effective July 1, 2015. This safety net will extend to convenience stores and similar dens of inequity further down the road.

Don’t you feel safer already?

EDITOR’S NOTE: OK, soon Kookfornians will be safe from the scourge of small-capacity plastic bags and the damage they are believed to do to the environment. But what about the larger-capacity paper bags? When will the tree huggers demand an end to paper bags in order to save Kookfornia’s trees? If the environmentalists get their way, many shoppers will probably make multiple trips to the grocery stores instead of a single trip. But that will require the use of more fossil fuels which are being blamed for that dreadful global warming. Those environmentalists will not be happy until we’re all back in the Stone Age.

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