Sunday, February 14, 2016


When The Donald aimed his bombs at George W. Bush, it was a kamikaze attack that was met with a salvo of boos

As I watched Saturday night’s GOP debate from South Carolina, I could not help but shake my head in disbelief. There he was, Donald Trump, the kamikaze pilot.

In his eagerness to destroy Jeb Bush, Trump aimed his bombs at former President George W. Bush. It turned out to be a kamikaze attack that missed its mark and was met with a salvo of boos.

Judging from my personal applause meter, I would say that the boos came from more than just the Jeb Bush supporters.

The Donald’s performance Saturday night could not have been any worse. Should he somehow go on to win the South Carolina primary, it will show that GOP voters are every bit as ignorant as those Democratic voters who reelected Obama and are now supporting Hillary Clinton.

And if The Donald turns out to be the Republican nominee, it will be guarantee that Hillary will be our next President. She will make him look so bad in any debate that even Republicans will end up voting for her.

As for the debate itself, a number of prominent Republicans described it as a “trainwreck,” alluding to the personal attack shouting matches between Trump and Bush and between Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.


Anonymous said...

The RNC stacks the audience for Bush. Trump has had better debates.

bob walsh said...

His supporters don't care.