Brits may exit EU
By Bob Walsh
With all the election hoopla going on in the U.S. it is easy to forget that there are interesting and significant political questions elsewhere in the world.
A few months ago there was a referendum in Scotland which, if approved, would have split Scotland off from the United Kingdom and created an independent Scotland. Right up until the day of the election the polls indicated that the difference was a very small fraction of 1% and much too close to call. The actual vote was 11% in favor of remaining in the U.K. People lie to pollsters.
The question now is whether or not on June 23 Britain will vote to exit from the European Union. It is also, at the moment, being polled as too close to call.
The E.U. skeptics have long decried the concept, asserting that it was impossible on the long term for a country like Germany and a country like Greece to share a currency when they did not share a fiscal philosophy. Turns out the skeptics were largely right. Figures supplied by the International Monetary Fund show that the E.U. has had pretty much a zero economic growth rate for some time, and is plagued by unemployment and other substantial fiscal problems.
When you add to this the current security situation with economic and political refugees POURING across the borders into the E.U. you get a serious problem, both actual and perceived. Most of these refugees are economic refugees, not fleeing war, according to Frans Timmermann, the V.P. of the European Commission. They have no claim to asylum; they are simply tired of being impoverished and want to suck up some of the European welfare state goodies.
If you believe that the E.U. has brought peace and prosperity to Europe, why is the continent such a complete cluster-fuck right now? It is a perfectly valid question.
So, come June 23, the voters will have their say. The liberal intelligencia is parroting the notion that if you even consider pulling the U.K. out of the E.U. you are a small-minded troglodyte. The fact is that if they stay the U.K., which is the fifth largest economic power in the world and a substantial military power, will lose much of its sovereignty to an unelected and unaccountable pack of bureaucrats in Belgium.
It will be very interesting to see what happens.
EDITOR’S NOTE: I suspect that most of the Brits who favor secession from the EU, do so because they see Britain diminished in the eyes of the world as long as they are part of the union
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