Sunday, September 11, 2016


The Jaisco motherfucker police commander knows who’s the boss and obeys his orders without question

Borderland Beat
September 8, 2016

Proceso has in its possession an audio on which the leader of the Cartel de Jalisco New Generation (CJNG), Nemesio Oceguera Cervantes, alias El Mencho, recently orders a police commander of Jalisco to "relax" his subordinates in the municipality of Chapala. After threats and insults, you can clearly listen the authority give certainty to El Mencho that his instruction will be obeyed. "You know me and you know that we have respect for you," the police chief tells the drug lord. The veracity of the audio was authenticated by Semanario Proceso.

Here is a transcript of the audio as translated from Proceso. (Mencho – M, Police Comander – PC):

M - Delta 1

PC - Yes who is this?

M - Listen to me carefully you motherfucker, this is Mencho. You better tell your people to back off

PC - Say what?

M - This is Mencho and you better back off, or I will fuck you up and all those fuckers working for you, I have already identify 30 of your people. I will even kill your dogs if you don't fucking relax. So you decide.

PC - You got it Sr, I will tell them to get back.

M - Don't you fucking hung up on me mother fucker, I already know your location, and you are in Chapala.

PC - No I'm not hanging up on you, I'm just telling you I will call back my people

M - You better check yourself, is better for us to be friends. We don't fuck with you people and now you are fucking with us.

PC - No Sir, I will tell them to get back.

M - Look, you better get every motherfucker out of the way, because all of you get money from us, and you guys are a bunch of pigs when it comes to that.

PC - Yeah that's what I was told, that everyone gets paid.

M - Look you people better fall in line, or you will be the first one to get kill for them.

PC - No Sir. We don't have to get to that.

M - Get the fuck out, because the fight will be for real and you know it. We are not afraid.

PC - No Sir we don't have to get to that, I will call them back.

M - If you want me as a friend you will have a great friend in me, but if not you can go fuck yourself. I'm already fucking tired that you motherfuckers don't listen.

PC - Sir you already know me, and you know I'm at your service

M - I already know that, that's why I'm surprised by this, I know you have your people and family but you have to check yourself.

PC - I know Sir.

M - I don't want you to disconnect this phone because I will call you back, to see if you people are already out of this area.

PC - No, I'm gonna call my people back right now

M - Everyone, everyone in general, you better tell them to fucking relax please

PC - OK I will call you right back at this number

M - No, no don't call this number back, I will call you when I can

PC - OK you got it

M - But don't disconnect this phone, or I will take it as negative

PC - No Sir I will send you a message from another number right away

M - OK but you tell them to fucking relax

PC - Yes Sir, you know me and you know we have respect for you

M - OK you got it, and you know we have respect for you too, and I'm sorry for the aggression and bad language

PC - Yes Sir, right now the guys are over there but I will let them know

M - OK tell them it was me the one who call

PC - OK Sir


Anonymous said...

I like a person who comes straight to the point. I'll bet they kill his dog anyway just to make a point.

There is nothing more crooked than a Mexican policeman.

BarkGrowlBite said...

I'm sorry Anon, but you're wrong. There's nothing more crooked than Hillary Clinton!