Thursday, September 08, 2016


By Bob Walsh

The violence-ridden and gang-infested shithole that was once the #2 city in America racked up 13 homicides over the long Labor Day weekend. Nine of those murders happened on Monday. Another 30 people were known to have been shot.

Among those shot in Chicago was a pregnant woman, who was gutshot. She was apparently collateral damage and is now in critical condition. The condition of the baby, which was delivered, is not publicly known.

This brings to 488 the total number of homicides in Chicago this calendar year, almost all of them black people shot by other black people. For all of last year there were only 481 homicides.

There have been more homicides in Chicago this year than in New York City and Los Angeles combined. I guess that strict Chicago gun control is working like a charm.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The blacks who live on Chicago’s South Side and West side, may not be able to spell ‘cat’ unless you spotted them the ‘c’ and ‘t’, but they sure excel in shooting at each other.

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