Friday, September 09, 2016


By Bob Walsh

Tierne Ewing had the misfortune to be married to a violent asshole. Earlier this year her husband kidnapped her, locked her in a closet, pistol whipped her, choked her out, burned and beat her and forced her to sleep with a noose around her neck. He repeatedly pointed a gun at her and threatened to kill her.

On July 8 she managed to get away when her hubby allowed her to enter a bank. She got the tellers to call the cops. When the cops showed up she was afraid to even leave the bank.

Hubby was arrested on multiple charges, and later released on $100,000 bail.

Two months later he again kidnapped his wife and murdered her, then shot himself to death.

I humbly and respectfully suggest the authorities in Washington County, PA. need to review their bail criteria.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Constitution prohibits excessive bail. The purpose of bail is to assure the accused’s appearance in court, not to protect a wife from her husband from hell.

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