Soros-backed, woke Philly DA Larry Krasner suddenly cares about crime — once it hits Instagram
Oct. 3, 2023
Soros-backed Philadelphia
District Attorney Larry Krasner promised to go after the person caught
on camera stomping on a mother’s rear windshield.
The havoc wreaked by Philly’s woke, Soros-backed District Attorney Larry Krasner continues to unfold.
A deranged motorcyclist stomped in the back window of a car driven by a young mom, with her kids in the back seat.
The caught-on-camera confrontation prompted Krasner to vow: “We will be going after that person very, very vigorously.”
We applaud the (belated and insufficient) gesture toward public order.
But we have to ask: Why now? Why this?
Krasner is the man whose office gave a sweetheart plea deal to a cold-blooded teen who shot a Cambodian immigrant store owner during a botched robbery.
He spared two cop-killers (coincidentally represented by campaign donors) from the death penalty.
He’s obliquely compared the police in his own city to criminals and has already hinted at leniency for the mob of looters who terrorized the city last week.
Homicides have skyrocketed on his watch, hitting a record-breaking high of 562 in 2021.
And 2022 saw gunpoint robberies up almost 21% over 2020, with burglary up more than 40%.
None of that seems to stir Krasner’s blood.
The man’s clearly all good with letting crime ravage Philly in the name of equity (even though close to 80% of all fatal shooting victims in 2022 were black, in a city that’s about 41% black overall).
This year looks set to continue the grim trend, including the home-invasion homicide of a progressive journalist who loved to mock worries about crime.
So we suspect it’s only bad optics lighting a fire under Lawless Larry in this latest case.
The victim is a young woman unafraid to speak to the media; the attack, filmed by a bystander, has since gone viral.
Nikki Bullock, 23, was in the car with her children when she was attacked.
So he’s scared enough to make noise.
And who knows: maybe even slap the perp with a real sentence.
We’ve seen a similar playbook from Manhattan’s own Alvin Bragg.
Remember how he charged bodega clerk Jose Alba with murder for a clear act of self-defense and stuck him with sky-high bail he couldn’t pay — but then backed off under public pressure?
For all their pseudo-tough-guy bluster, lefty DAs often fold like cheap suits.
Which means citizens who want public safety need to keep the media spotlight on them — and make their voices heard, thunderously, on election days.
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