Don’t take any guff from these swine…
American Jewish leaders, stand up now or forever hold your peace.
By Benjamin Kerstein
Apr 28, 2024
“Don’t take any guff from these swine,” Hunter S. Thompson used to say, and not without reason. The legendary gonzo journalist found himself constantly confronted with the appalling. The savage heart of the American dream prompted him to “make a beast of himself to escape the pain of being a man.” If only out of instinctual defiance, he refused to take guff from anyone.
American Jews need not make beasts of themselves, but it is time for them to heed Thompson’s advice. They should no longer take any guff from these swine. I refer, of course, to the swine who have infested many of America’s most unjustly revered institutions of higher learning. There, Sus scrofa domesticus have constructed a filth-ridden sty from which they spew antisemitism; advocate genocide; render normal university life impossible; force other students to study online; and abuse, bully and physically assault Jews and anyone else who dares dissent from their fetid ideology.
The swine want, of course, the consummation of the world’s oldest hatred: What Louis-Ferdinand Céline charmingly referred to as “a pile of a million dead stinking Yids.”
Céline also asserted that this stinking pile was “not worth the life of a single Aryan.” The adults in the room appear to agree. Those who should and almost certainly do know better have been remarkably sanguine about having their institutions infested with Scrofa domesticus. Even President Joe Biden, in whom so many Jews put their trust and their vote, seemed content to channel his predecessor’s famous “very fine people on both sides” admonition on the Charlottesville Nazis. For Biden and most of his Democratic colleagues, it appears, some Nazis are more condemnable than others.
As for the high rollers of academia, who suddenly find themselves presiding over a sty rather than a school, even this small measure of equivocation is out of fashion. Faculty happily jump into the wallow while administrators either collaborate or—as is common in catamites—bend the knee and simply look away. That everything the swine are doing violates these institutions’ alleged codes of conduct as well as numerous laws is irrelevant to those who know better. That they could end the scatologic orgy tomorrow through mass arrests and expulsions is unthinkable. They are too sympathetic with or too terrified of the sows.
To what quarter, then, may American Jews turn? The obvious answer would be to their communal leadership. Unfortunately, as I know from the many who have contacted me, this only evokes a sense of total despair—and quite rightfully so. The warning signs that the swine were gathering have been there for a quarter-century. The red flags were so plentiful that only the willfully blind could fail to see them. But the American Jewish leadership chose to be blind. They either did nothing or were so ineffective they might as well have done nothing. They had a chance to contain the thing before it became impossible to contain, but they chose not to.
The reasons for this dereliction are legion and will be fully understood only in the light of history. Certainly, the nepotistic gerontocracy that rules the major Jewish organizations was woefully unprepared to deal with a grassroots neo-Nazism arising from the political left and the Muslim community. These leaders often enjoyed seven-figure salaries and flattering political connections they did not wish to jeopardize by rocking the boat. Many are graduates of the very institutions from which the swine have now come wriggling forth. Perhaps it was a simple failure of nerve. They lacked the strength necessary to face unpleasant facts.
Right now, however, the failure of American Jewish leaders is clearly manifest. That failure squeals and snorts and wallows right before our eyes. American Jews should have no illusions about what this means: They are more or less on their own, abandoned by many of their political allies, bereft of effective leadership, and lacking the means for basic communal self-defense. And it is only a matter of time before the swine burst forth from the campuses into the broader Jewish community, wreaking bloody mayhem wherever they can.
Some I have spoken to believe that the answer lies in the formation of a new organization or organizations dedicated to active self-defense of the Jewish community and a more militant and radical resistance to antisemitism. This is a fine idea, but such organizations will take time to build and the problem is immediate. American Jews must use the tools they have.
The major organizations are there and still have enormous political, financial and organizational resources to draw on. Overnight, they could organize an effective counter-protest movement and a nationwide Jewish self-defense force. They could hold the relevant institutions’ feet to the political, cultural and financial fire. They have chosen not to. The imperative of the moment is to force them to do so.
This will only happen if the American Jewish community demands it. The major organizations should be deluged with emails and phone calls. Donors should threaten to withhold their money. Denunciations should be issued from the pulpit, in the media, and even in quotidian personal interactions.
In all of them, there should be not just recrimination but an absolute and irrevocable demand: Don’t take any guff from these swine. Stop indulging Scrofa domesticus with the excuse of free speech and assembly, when neither of those rights protects organized violence, genocidal incitement and systematic lawbreaking. Stop pussyfooting around your treasured political allies and threaten them with a total cessation of Jewish support if they don’t take effective action. Stop indulging in nostalgia for your alma mater and admit that these institutions willfully permitted their swine to micturate on everything you believe in.
Above all, end your silence. Speak up, speak out, denounce, demand. Be angry, be uncompromising, make it plain, make them listen. Don’t take any guff from these swine. You still have the power to do so, though you will not have it for long if the swine get their way. If American Jewish life becomes impossible, it will be as bad for you as for the rest of your beleaguered community. Act.
You have a chance now, perhaps for the last time, to redeem yourselves. Take it. If you cannot or will not do so, please step aside to make way for those who will.
1 comment:
This article is Spot On. As a Conservative Christian, I conceal carry everywhere, everyday. Just the hint of a threat and I will reveal my true nature. I will protect my family, myself and my way of life. "Don't Tread on Me" and "Come and Take it" mean something in Texas. We believe in Constitutional Carry and we don't give a shit if liberals don't like it. I don't believe that it's a coincidence that Audie Murphy, Chris Kyle and Marcus Luttrell are all Texans. (USA)
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