Friday, April 26, 2024


by Bob Walsh



The people who own and operate Tik Tok have said that they would rather shut it down than sell it.  Is that a negotiating position or are they playing chicken with American law makers?  Damned if I know.  I am tempted to say Damnd If I Care but I do sort-of, because I am very bothered by what is essentially a major ChiCom intrusion into the fabric of our society.  I believe that many of the users, probably most of the users, of Tik Tok really don't CARE who is data mining their happy asses as long as they can watch their favorite "influencers" and post cat videos until hell freezes over.  These mostly young clowns are turning into drones, which I am confident is the whole idea.

EDITOR'S NOTE: TikTok reached 1.92 billion users in 2023. 40% of Americans use TikTok as a search engine. 2 out of 3 U.S. teens use TikTok daily. TikTok is worth $50 billion on the NASDAQ.

Them ain't chickens.

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