Monday, June 14, 2010


The Texas Auto Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority (ABTPA) is concerned with preventing automobiles from being stolen and preventing the theft of valuables resulting from motor vehicle burglaries. It has some good advise for drivers.
From the Police News:
ABTPA member Lt. Tommy Hansen, director of the Galveston County Auto Crimes Task Force and past president of the International Association of Auto Theft Investigators, says "It is up to drivers to be proactive and take cautionary steps to protect their vehicle."
ABTPA says the best way to avoid being victimized is to make sure you always hide your belongings, lock your vehicle and take the keys. However, with the hot summer approaching, drivers tend to forget about this when they stop at convenience stores, gas stations, day cares, video stores, or other places where they go for a short time.
"Many people do not realize it is illegal for them to leave their keys in the ignition or their engines running while unattended, even for a few minutes," said Charles Caldwell, director, ABTPA. "It only takes a car thief a short time to steal your car."
Stolen motor vehicles are the nexus of all forms of criminal activity with direct ties to smuggling, gang activities, narcotics, bank robberies and much more. Burglary of a motor vehicle is rising at alarming rates throughout the United States thanks to the latest technology. In the past several years the use of GPS devices, laptops, I-pads and other small electronic devices has increased immensely, thus making virtually all vehicles prime targets for thieves.
A majority of vehicle crimes are what is described as "victim assisted". Leaving expensive items in plain view and drivers leaving the keys in their cars accounts for approximately half of all reported thefts.

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