Sunday, June 27, 2010


Those of us who live in flood-prone areas know that the federal flood insurance program is very important to us. It protects us in case we experience property damage and losses from floods. And without it, we cannot obtain any loans to purchase a new home.
Congress, in its infinite wisdom has allowed to let the federal flood insurance program lapse. Tow attempts to extend the program have failed because the extension bills were attached to other bills that failed to pass. When a separate bill was introduced, it passed in the House but was voted down in the Senate.
During Obama’s presidency, the Republicans have opposed and voted against everything except mother and apple pie. The Republicans only favor lower taxes, less spending, smaller government and the right to life, issues that are definitely not shared by Obama and his fellow Democrats. So, it must have been the Republicans who blocked the federal flood insurance program extension. Right? No, wrong!
Would you believe that the Republicans in the Senate actually supported the extension? You don’t? Well, they did. For some reason, it was the Democrats who voted down the bill extending the federal flood insurance program. Why on earth would they do that? The only reason I can think of is that they’re just like the Republicans.
If the Democrats are for an issue, the Republicans are against it, and vise versa. So, when the Republicans voted for an extension of the flood insurance program, the Democrats must have been compelled to vote against it. Meanwhile, those of us who live in those flood-prone areas are left up the proverbial shit-creek without a paddle.

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