Friday, June 18, 2010


In its attempt to counter criticism that it has done too little too late, the Obama administration has insisted that it’s been in control of the BP oil spill disaster from day one. Well, here is another example of your tax dollars at work.
If you talk to the state and local officials in Louisiana and Alabama, from the state governor on down, they will tell you that their requests for putting specific procedures in place to stop the oil from washing ashore keep running into roadblocks.
In addition to the U.S. Coast Guard, the EPA, OSHA and more than a dozen other federal agencies are involved in the oil spill decision making process. The left hand doesn’t seem to know what the right hand is doing. Each agency wants make sure that everyone knows they’re on top of things. And you know that anytime the EPA or OSHA is involved, nothing is going to be simple.
So, who in the hell is in charge here? EVERYBODY AND NOBODY. Thus each request for putting a local procedure in place to keep the oil from washing ashore results in delay after delay. Governors Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and Bob Riley of Alabama see the federal role as a joke – but not a funny one. Obama’s ‘Command and Control’ gets sidetracked, if not lost, within the vast federal bureaucracy. That is typical of the way the federal government works.

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