Thursday, August 05, 2010


As of 2:00 p.m. CDT today, there have been 24 comments on Hair Ball’s post about medical marijuana. While most of them dumped on me, all but one of them were adamantly for the legalization of pot. The one exception from ‘Anonymous’ was pretty clever. Here is what Anonymous wrote:
Howie says:
Am I embarrassed about my spelling errors. Yes and no. I happen to be visually impared and it is hard for me to proof-read the small font in Hair Ball's comment box.
__You know what could help you with that? Pot.
Had I chosen to put in another two-cents’ worth, I would have said: Let me suggest to all you pot heads that every time you toke up be sure and take a good look around. That guy over there may be a narc getting ready to ‘ruin your lives.’

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