Saturday, April 27, 2013


Step 1, commit armed robbery. Step 2, flee from cops. Step 3, get shot by cop. Step 4, get sent to prison, Step 5, sue city for cop shooting you

By Bob Walsh

PACOVILLA Corrections blog
April 26, 2013

Tony Ray Jones, 25, got his first armed robbery beef at age 14. In January he was sentenced to prison for another armed robbery in Oakland that occurred in February of 2012. He was seen fleeing by a cop who pursued the vehicle he was in and stopped it.

Jones fled with a gun in his hand. The cop shot him (admittedly in the back). As it turned out, he had dropped the gun just before being shot, which the cop could not easily see under the circumstances. He is now suing the city for $10 million. His lawyer is still asserting that his client is innocent, even though the cops snagged a letter mailed by Jones from jail asking a friend to eliminate witnesses against him.

Jones is a cousin to the late and lamented Oscar Grant III who was shot and killed by a BART police officer in Oakland on New Year’s Day in 2009.

Jones was sentenced to 15 years. The money will buy him lots of skittles in the slammer, assuming he wins his case.

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