Wednesday, July 17, 2013


From its very beginning the George Zimmerman case evolved quickly from the simple case of a neighborhood watch captain killing an unarmed teenager to a cause célèbre of a white racist killing a black man with racial profiling as a centerpiece. So who are the players that turned a simple case into a cause célèbre?

George Zimmerman: He thinks a young man walking down the street wearing a hoodie might be a burglar. Armed with a pistol, he gets out of his car and follows him despite instructions from a police dispatcher to stay in the car. A deadly scuffle then ensures.

Trayvon Martin: He tells a girlfriend on the phone that a “creepy, white, kill-my-neighbors cracker” and a “creepy-ass cracker” was looking at him before getting into a deadly scuffle with Zimmerman.

Trayvon Martin’s parents: The grief stricken parents, who have acted very reasonably during this whole fiasco, complained about Zimmerman not being arrested and charged with the killing of their son.

Sanford, Florida ‘community leaders’: Black community leaders took up the Martin parents’ call.

The Media: The media seized on an issue that was certain to generate a lot of interest, thereby increasing newspaper readership and TV broadcast audiences.

The U.S. Department of Justice: In an unprecedented and astounding move, the Justice Department dispatched officials down to Sanford for the purpose of organizing rallies and protests to demand ‘Justice for Trayvon.’

Al Sharpton: As usual, the rabblerousing race-monger showed up in Sanford, and with the help of those Justice Department officials, took over leadership of the protests.

Special prosecutor Angela Corey: She charged Zimmerman with 2nd degree murder when there were no grounds for such a serious charge. It should be noted that Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz called her a ‘prosecutorial tyrant’ and accused her of violating Zimmerman’s civil rights when “she got the judge to rule erroneously this was a second-degree murder case” because “she deliberately withheld and suppressed those photographs [of Zimmerman’s injuries], refused to show them to the judge.”

After the trial

The jury: Six courageous women rendered a verdict based on the facts and the law, a verdict that has infuriated blacks and white liberals.

NAACP president Ben Jealous: Accused Zimmerman of racial profiling and is pressuring the justice department to prosecute him on civil rights charges. It should be noted that a year-long FBI investigation found no evidence that Zimmerman was a racist or that the shooting of Trayvon Martin was unlawful.

Al Sharpton: He called the acquittal a ‘dangerous atrocity’ and said he will go down to Florida to lead more protests. Sharpton and his National Action Network are organizing demonstrations to be held in front of federal buildings in 100 cities around the country to demand that civil rights charges be filed against Zimmerman. Standing in front of the Justice Department headquarters, Sharpton declared: “We are not having a two or three-day anger fit. This is a movement for social justice.”

Rachael Jeantel: Trayvon's friend, who was talking to him on a phone just before he got shot, was asked by CNN's Piers Morgan if race was a factor in the shooting. She replied: "It was racial. Let's be honest. Racial. If he were white, if Trayvon was white and he had a hoodie on, what would happen?" And that is exactly how white liberals and most blacks feel. Jeantel also said that Zimmerman was acquitted because "they're white," referring to the jurors. Her interview is just another example of how the media is milking this case for all it's worth.

Special prosecutor Angela Corey: In a post-trial interview on HLN, she called Zimmerman a ‘murderer.’ That only serves to fan the flames of unrest.

The Media: Since the acquittal, newspapers and TV news shows have displayed a flood of pictures depicting an angelic-looking happy Trayvon Martin in his childhood from toddler to teen, even one with him riding a horse. The media continues to stir up the pot by playing up racial issues in order to keep the Zimmerman case a front page and TV news show lead-in story.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

The unrest continues because it is in the interest of the poverty pimps, professional liberal idiots and media whores that it does continue.