Monday, June 23, 2014


A funeral home in Falfurrias was paid to dispose of illegal immigrants who died from exposure while trying to evade the Border Patrol in the hot and remote brush lands of South Texas

So far, more than 160 unidentified bodies have been found in mass graves in Brooks County and a smaller number in neighboring Jim Hogg County. The sheriff’s departments in both counties have for many years paid Funeraria del Angel Howard-Williams, a funeral home in Falfurrias, to dispose of illegal immigrants who died from exposure while trying to evade the Border Patrol in the hot and remote brush lands of the two counties.

According to the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, the bodies were dumped into mass graves in plastic garbage bags, shopping bags, and in no containers at all. Body bags, each containing several corpses, were also found. At the present time, the funeral home is being paid $450 per body.

In 2013, a Baylor University anthropological team unearthed the remains of 110 unidentified bodies from mass graves in a section of the Sacred Heart Burial Park in Brooks County. According to the Caller-Times, this year the team “performed 52 exhumations, but more than 52 people were buried in those spaces. Because remains were commingled, and not all of the body bags were opened on-site, further study will be needed to determine the number of people recovered.” They plan to return next year in order to unearth more bodies.

The bleeding hearts are in an uproar over the manner in which the bodies are being disposed. I suppose they expect the funeral home to provide caskets and individual graves for the unfortunate victims of Texas desert heat. At $450 a crack, the funeral home is not making a substantial profit, even while using plastic garbage bags to dispose of the bodies. They have to pay for the burial sites and they have to pay the cemetery workers for digging and covering up the graves. I’m guessing that probably uses up half of the $450 fee.

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