Thursday, September 26, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Nancy Pelosi, while being a hard-core San Francisco liberal, used to be at least something of a political pragmatist. She knew that you usually avoided fights you could not win.

She has jumped on board the IMPEACHMENT train. It is hard to say if she thinks she can really pull it off (absent some actual evidence of actual criminality that is hard to believe) or simply sees that the Democrat-Socialist political wind is blowing too strongly in that direction to fight.

Perhaps she thinks they can convince enough middle-of-the-road voters that, if they scream CRIMINAL loud enough and long enough it will be true. That is far from impossible.

One thing is for sure. Clinton was impeached for actual, unquestioned criminal activity. No doubt about it. He committed perjury by lying about his games of hide the salami with Monica. He was disbarred for it. Still the senate would not vote to convict. (Granted, that was private criminal conduct and not political misconduct, which is allegedly occurring with Trump.) It seems more likely that they just hope to damage him badly enough to make him unelectable. Will his base abandon him? I doubt it. Unless something pops up that we don't yet see coming what we have now is a lot of baseless and even stupid accusations with zero evidence. Zero.

Doesn't mean it won't work.

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