Thursday, November 03, 2011


I’m sure Crowley wrote her op-ed before the sexual harassment issue came to light. I’m just as sure she would never have written this about Cain had she known about the allegations and observed him digging himself ever deeper in a hole each time he came up with a different answer when asked about the allegations.

Coincidentally, Crowley got it right about Kim Kardashian even though the op-ed was obviously written before Kim announced she was getting a divorce from Kris Humphries after only 72 days of ‘wedded bliss.’

By Monica Crowley
November 2, 2011

Many professional political observers have puzzled over the rise of Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. Here he is—a non-politician, successful businessman running a non-traditional insurgent campaign on a shoestring. And here he is—ahead of the pack in many polls or running even with the traditional political choice, Mitt Romney. Many of these professional political analysts are scratching their heads, wondering why GOP primary voters seem inclined to the unconventional candidate who sings gospel, admits he doesn’t know things when he doesn’t know them and otherwise tells it like it is.

Let me explain the rise of Herman Cain in two words: Kim Kardashian.

Kim and the entire Kardashian clan have built quite the empire for themselves. Launching from Kim’s sex tape, the family has major reality shows on E!, clothing boutiques, a clothing line and a brand that rakes in millions of dollars a year in personal appearances and other events.

Kim took her reality superstardom to new levels this summer when she announced her engagement to NBA forward Kris Humphries. Much hoopla surrounded the impending nuptials, including of course a major run-up to the wedding on their various reality shows. They didn’t have to pay for a thing in the $10 million affair; designers and vendors happily gave away their services for a chance to have their stuff promoted by Kim and the gang on the show. KK and KH sold their “exclusive” wedding pictures to People magazine for $2 million. Speculation is that the total amount of money they raked in over the wedding period was a stunning $17 million.

So are they dummies? No way. They are very, very shrewd businesspeople. Fine capitalists. In fact, I’m surprised Occupy Wall Street hasn’t discovered them yet and set out to Occupy Team Kardashian. Spread the wealth, KK!

I admit that I watch the Kardashians on occasion. I find their various shows to be amusing escapism. The one thing I noticed—-and this wasn’t a surprise—was that neither Kim nor Kris showed any true love for each other. Their eyes were empty when they looked at each other. There was no honest tenderness or intimacy between them. Again, not a shocker since we all know what a fine actress Kim is. That sex tape performance—wow! Hand that lady an Oscar!

Check out what one “Kardashian insider” told RadarOnline: “It was pretty much an arranged marriage right from the start. Kim was looking for a husband, and Kris was selected for her, amongst others. She wasn’t into him, but she hoped she would be able to develop some feelings, but it never happened.”

In other words, Kim is a phony. Kris is a phony. The whole wedding was a phony. Everything about them is phony.

Which brings us back to Herman Cain. His rapid ascent can be explained by the fact that he is the antithesis of phony. Many conservatives believe Mitt Romney is a phony, whether that’s fair or not. I dare say ALL conservatives believe Barack Obama is a world-class phony who gives Kim a run for her money.

But Herman Cain is the real deal. He’s authentic, true, warm and believable. He’s not in this for himself or his own personal ambitions—at least that’s not the primary reason he’s in this. He’s running because he sees the country he so loves, that has allowed him and countless others the room to succeed and flourish, going down the tubes and he wants to help turn it around.

He’s honest. He makes mistakes. He apologizes for them. He’s not slick. He’s not rehearsed. He’s not pulling a fraud on the people. He’s not fake. In other words, he’s not Kim.

With her money-making scheme dressed up as a marriage, Kim finally jumped the shark. She and her family will eventually—probably sooner rather than later—recede into the pop culture firmament.

But Herman Cain, the anti-Kim? He’s here to stay, because while no one likes a phony, everyone likes an authentically good person.

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