Sunday, July 13, 2014


While Hamas is being condemned for firing rockets at Israel, the Israelis are being condemned much more harshly for the deaths of civilians in Gaza. A U.N. human rights official has gone so far as to accuse Israel of committing war crimes for its air strikes against Gaza rocket launching sites and missile storage depots.

Half-a-million German civilians were killed by the Allied carpet bombings that reduced Berlin, Dresden and other major German cities to rubble during World War II. Considering the fact that the Allied bombings deliberately targeted civilians in order to demoralize the Germans, it is the height of hypocrisy to condemn Israel for killing Palestinian civilians as it tries to destroy rocket launching sites and missile storage depots that Hamas and Islamic Jihad have deliberately placed in and on the grounds of the homes, schools, hospitals and mosques of Gaza.


bob walsh said...

Liberals in general and anti-Semites in particular have no problem with being hypocrits. It is pretty much mandatory in fact from any sort of logical point of view.

bob walsh said...

I remember reading a paper, years ago, that purportedly was part of the consideration for the fire storm bombing of Dresden, which was not a significant military target. The idea was that Germany proper had suffered very little damage during WW I and it was considered necessary for political reasons to impart significant damage on the civilian population during WWII, in part to discourage future bad behavior.