Monday, February 01, 2016


But Oscar Wilde said, “Every editor should have an elder brother who is a pimp so he will have someone to look up to”

By Bob Walsh

I have known a fair number of pimps. A few were in my basic training company at Fort Ord on the “three years in the army or five years in prison” plan. Two or three of them went over the hill during basic. I met more than a few during my employment with the California state prison system. I have never met one that was worth the powder to blow him to hell.

Troy Brewer, 30, is facing life in prison in Richmond (CA) for pimping out a 17-year old girl. He is also looking at human trafficking charges as well as ADW, possession of a firearm by an ex-felon and kidnapping for ransom. That last charge could get him life without parole. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow.

In the interest of fairness and balance, Oscar Wilde once remarked “Every editor should have an elder brother who is a pimp so he will have someone to look up to.” It is, of course, hard to say whether Oscar was that fond of pimps or that unfond of editors. I am inclined to think it is the latter, but it is a great line nevertheless.

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