If you think the cops are going to run code 3 in order to save you or catch a dirt bag, think again
By Harry Dunne
Criminal justice in this country is rapidly circling the drain. The Ferguson Effect has taken hold and liberal programs that target repeat offenders instead of incarceration will only increase crime. Cops are not being pro-active anymore for fear of prosecution.
Get a gun and practice marksmanship. If you drive a nice car, carry a purse or wear trappings of wealth, you are being targeted.
Prepare yourself for home invasion. Make it difficult for criminals to enter your home with burglar bars and purchase an alarm with a recorded camera system. Get a dog. A real barker. Get rid of a land line telephone. It is now a target for scammers.
Whatever you do, do not broadcast to friends or over social media when you will not be home. If one of your friends has a drug addict in the family and they over hear the info you may be burgled.
Do not allow anyone in your home that you do not know! That includes the young girl whose car broke down and needs to use your phone.
If you are having repairs done or an appliance delivered, do not allow anyone out of your sight. Do not let them use the restroom. They will steal you blind or unlock windows for easy entry later.
Watch your curb. Make sure nothing has been spray painted on it such a gang sign or unusual markings. If it has, you may have been targeted for a home invasion.
Fly an American Flag. Veterans tend to fight back. Put up a No Trespassing sign and an alarm system sign. Shitbird's are lazy. They don't like to hit an intimidating target.
Facebook is a great way to keep up with friends, but when you post the dates of your upcoming vacation, you might as well leave the front door unlocked.
If you think the cops are going to run code 3 in order to save you or catch a dirt bag, think again. They will do exactly what they have to do and no more. You can thank BLM and the current administration for this.
If you think this info is over the top, just check the crime stats in your area on one of the many sights available.
Above all, get a gun.
Harry Dunne is the prn name of a veteran Texas law enforcement official.
I’ve been reading BarkGrowlBite for several years. I don’t comment very often but Harry Dunne is right. If I were a cop, I would be counting down the days to retirement or looking for a new job. I would do no more than what is called for. These cops are being sacrificed. Prisons are releasing thousands of convicted felons due to computer glitches. These criminals are all around us. I remember when kids that began getting in trouble were set to the Army by the cops and courts. Most turned out to be responsible citizens. Maybe a mandatory one year stint in the military should be implemented. This should apply to everyone between 18 and 20 years of age. Teach them responsibility, instill pride and learn a trade.
Tonto, you are right about military service, but it would have to be for more than just one year. Three years would be a better requirement. I have long believed in universal military service for every American citizen.
Thank you Tonto for your loyal following and for your comments.
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