After several Taser jolts failed to stop him, Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-bop-bop was finally arrested Sunday for allegedly assaulting a police officer at The Evergreen State College
By Andy Hobbs
The Olympian
February 2, 2016
A man who made headlines with his unusual name has been accused of assaulting an Evergreen State College police officer and a Thurston County deputy.
Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop, 34, appeared Monday in Thurston County Superior Court on charges of two counts of first-degree assault, third-degree assault, third-degree malicious mischief and malicious harassment. Bail was set at $50,000 with an arraignment set for Feb. 16.
Prosecutor Mark Thompson said he was unable to verify the suspect’s legal name and deferred to his original name, Jeffrey Drew Wilschke. The suspect said in court that he had legally changed his name to Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop in 2011.
Court documents give the following account:
An officer at The Evergreen State College responded to a report Sunday that someone had torn down fliers from the library entrance.
The officer chased the suspect and took him down to the ground, but the suspect thrashed around and tried to grab the officer’s gun. During the struggle, the suspect bit the officer’s ring finger several times and tried to stab the officer with a pen.
The officer was unable to control the suspect, who kept grabbing for the officer’s gun, and ended up stepping away. The suspect retrieved a handcuff case and swung it like a hammer, causing a laceration on the officer’s head.
The officer punched the suspect in the jaw, but the strike didn’t faze him. The officer then used a Taser twice, causing the suspect to fall to the ground on the second Taser deployment. However, the suspect got up and fled on foot.
A Thurston County Sheriff’s Office deputy saw the suspect running along Evergreen Parkway and chased him into a wooded area. The suspect threw a rock at the deputy. The deputy used his Taser on the suspect, who broke the electrical lines and kept running.
The suspect again threw rocks at the officer, striking him at least once. The deputy caught up to the suspect and struck him several times with a metal baton. The deputy noted the strikes didn’t have much of an effect on the suspect, who was able to grab a brick and throw it at the deputy before running into the woods again.
Another deputy joined the pursuit and deployed a Taser on the suspect. The suspect was eventually tackled, handcuffed and arrested.
The Evergreen officer was transported to Providence St. Peter Hospital, where he received a tetanus shot and four staples to close the laceration on his head. Zoppitybop-bop-bop also was transported to the hospital for a medical evaluation.
It is unknown whether Zopittybop-bop-bop was under the influence of drugs at the time of his arrest Sunday. He has been listed as homeless, although the Sheriff’s Office confirmed he has a post office box registered in Olympia.
In 2012, Zopittybop-bop-bop generated headlines and late-night TV jokes after his arrest on marijuana and weapon charges in Wisconsin. He was back in the news again in 2013 for an arrest on drug charges in Iowa.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Hmmm, I see where Beezow Doo-Doo has previously been busted on marijuana charges. He must have been stoned when he had his name changed legally, or because he is stoned, he hallucinates that he had his name changed to Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop.
As for the Tasers not stopping him, Beezow Doo-Doo was obviously high on some drug(s).
WTF? You mean these cops aren't the subjects of an investigation? He was tased twice. Where is the BLM. Oh, that's right, Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-bop-bop is white.
They should have arrested him simply for having a really stupid name, and Tasered him a few times on general principles.
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