Wednesday, April 06, 2016


By Bob Walsh

The local constabulary in Stockton (CA) is describing this whole magilla as a family dispute. This must be some seriously dysfunctional family.

At about 7:40 p.m. an unnamed man came up to the residence of a family member near the intersection of Airport Way and Sixth Street and took a shit on the front lawn.

Londale Shaw, 18, a resident of the location, took offense (as was intended, I expect) and took off after the shitter, with a butcher knife. Shaw caught the offending individual when he fell. Shaw jumped on him and began stabbing him in the head with the knife. At some point Shaw last control of the knife and the shitter grabbed it and knifed Shaw in the neck.

At that time the cops showed up and arrested Shaw for ADW. No charges have been filed (yet) against the shitter. Presumably it is against the law to shit on somebody’s front lawn, but perhaps the DA will let this one slide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good blog. No shit!