Friday, April 08, 2016


By Bob Walsh

Governor Moonbeam, aka Jerry Brown, fearless leader of the formerly great state of California, has decreed that the prison system of the state is too often run by criminal gangs within the prison system. His interesting solution for this problem is to let the prisoners out.

Good old Jerry, who has never met a criminal he didn’t like, is pushing very hard for a ballot initiative this November (which may still be invalidated by the courts due to some hanky panky with the procedure) which would flush additional thousands of prisoners from the prisons and jails onto the streets to California.

It seems that Jerry still believes that prisons should be transformative and that letting people OUT of prison will somehow make them law-abiding citizens.

The proposal would, if approved and if it survives legal challenges, greatly increase the good time granted to most prisoners and further lessen the legal description of what is a violent crime and what is not. It should also be noted that a person who has been convicted in the past of, say for instance, sexual battery and manslaughter and who is now convicted of resisting arrest with injury to the officer would be considered a non-violent criminal as resisting arrest with injury is now considered a non-violent offense.

EDITOR’S NOTE: That’s why he’s known as Moonbeam.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Don't try to over-think it. It's California. That's enough of an explanation for bizarre, dumb-ass decisions completely lacking in sense or logic.