Israel Today
April 26, 2016
Everyone knows that the current Israeli and American governments don’t get along very well. And the Obama Administration’s hostility toward Jerusalem only seems to be increasing in its waning days.
The Obama White House has experienced “overwhelming frustration” in its dealings with the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said US Vice President Joe Biden last week.
Speaking at a gathering of the left-wing Jewish organization J-Street, Biden accused Netanyahu of “moving us and more importantly…moving Israel in the wrong direction.”
In survey results published this week, Israelis signaled that the feeling was mutual concerning President Barack Obama and his handling of American affairs.
Conducted on behalf of Israel’s Channel One News, the poll found that a solid 51 percent of Israelis believe that no matter who wins the upcoming US presidential election, the end result will be a positive change for the Jewish state.
Only 8 percent felt there was a chance US-Israel relations could get worse than they are under Obama.
A 39 percent plurality remain certain Democratic contender Hillary Clinton will win the White House, while 30 percent said real estate mogul Donald Trump will be the next American president.
More Israelis feel Clinton will be overall better for their nation, though a plurality acknowledges that Netanyahu will get along better on a personal level with Trump.
EDITOR’S NOTE: It is not surprising that Joe Biden would attack Netanyahu in front of J-Street, a group of leftist Jews funded by billionaire George Soros, an Israel-hating Jew.
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