Tuesday, September 13, 2016


By Bob Walsh

Various members of the pundocracy and similar talking heads are now openly speculating that the DNC (Democrat National Committee) will hold an extraordinary meeting in the near future to make contingency plans in case it is necessary to replace Hillary on the Democrat-Socialist ticket.

There is (as far as I know) no way to replace her against her will unless she drops dead, in which case her level of interest will be severely reduced. I can’t imagine how the DNC could possibly manage to bring enough pressure to bear against her to force her out. She wants to be El Presidente so badly that the lust for power practically oozes out of her pores.

If, however, it turns out that she really does have some sort of serious medical problem and if it becomes obvious even to her that she is unelectable (a long reach, she clearly believes her own propaganda about Trump being an unelectable retard) she could conceivably bail out for the
good of the Democrat-Socialist party and to save the country from that evil bastard Trump.

I am confident that Joe BiteMe is waiting in the wings and would be willing to accept a draft, in the interest of the country of course. I wonder if they might go ahead and replace her with Bernie. Damn, wouldn’t that be a hoot?

EDITOR’S NOTE: Joe Biden, who doesn’t carry Hillary’s baggage of lies and deception, would trounce Trump and wipe out what’s left of the shambled Republican Party. And he would probably carry along enough down-ballot Democrats for them to regain control of the Senate and maybe even the House.

You can make fun of Biden’s many past gaffes, but he is as trustworthy as a politician can be, and he has the experience to be Commander in Chief.

As for Bernie, he was just a flash in the pan.

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