Friday, December 09, 2016


When then Attorney General Holder ordered the DEA not to enforce the federal laws against marijuana in in states which had voted to legalize pot, he opened the floodgates for the legalization of recreational pot throughout the country

On November 8, the voters of California, Massachusetts, Nevada and Maine approved measures that would legalize the recreational use of marijuana. In the five states with such ballot measures, only the voters of Arizona rejected the legalization of marijuana.

There would not have been any marijuana ballot measures in those five states had it not been for then Attorney General Eric Holder’s order prohibiting the DEA from enforcing the federal laws against pot in Colorado and Washington when those states approved the recreational use of marijuana. Holder could not have issued that order without the expressed approval of his boss, President Obama.

Holder and Obama, as well as the states that have legalized marijuana, have shredded the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution (Article VI, Clause 2) which among other provisions holds that in case of conflict between federal and state law, the federal law must be applied.

Now that California is legalizing the recreational use of pot, look for a slew of other states to follow at the first opportunity. Stoners owe President Obama and Eric Holder a great debt of gratitude. Full speed ahead, fuck the Constitution!

Will the Trump administration unleash the DEA to enforce the federal marijuana laws in all states, not just in those states where the distribution and possession of marijuana is still prohibited? I seriously doubt it. It’s already too late. By now the floodgates are wide open.

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