Wednesday, February 15, 2017


by Bob Walsh

The lawyers representing that rat-bastard Sg.t Bowe Bergdahl are taking a real solid look at the public statements Candidate Trump has made and trying to tie them into the notion of command interference by President Trump in the trial of Bergdahl.

Specifically they assert that it might be difficult for the rat-bastard to get a fair trial from a military court in view of those public statements made by the now-Commander-In-Chief.

The trial, which is still in the pretrial motion phase, is looking at recordings of candidate Trump. Prosecutors are arguing that these are political pronouncements made by a private citizen and are clearly intended to attack his political rivals and not intended to impact Bergdah. That may be true, but I am not sure it is to the point.

It will be very interesting to see how the trial judge rules in the matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A soldier died trying to find and rescue this POS. I hope they hang him.