Monday, January 22, 2018


Senator and Iraq war vet Tammy Duckworth blasts President Trump as 'five-deferment draft dodger'

By Elizabeth Elizalde

New York Daily News
January 21, 2018

Sen. Tammy Duckworth, a Democrat from Illinois, slammed President Trump as a “five-deferment draft dodger” and criticized his comments attacking North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Saturday.

Duckworth, an Army veteran who lost both her legs during combat in Iraq in 2004, made her comments on the Senate floor — hours after Trump tweeted the Democrats were playing “shutdown politics” and holding the “military hostage.”

She said his remarks were the “latest example of him failing to show leadership to take responsibility for leading this nation.”

“I spent my entire adult life looking out for the well-being, the training, the equipping of the troops for whom I was responsible,” Duckworth said. “Sadly, this is something the current occupant of the Oval Office does not seem to care to do, and I will not be lectured about what our military needs by a five-deferment draft dodger.”

“I have a message for Cadet Bone Spurs: If you cared about our military, you’d stop baiting Kim Jong Un into a war that could put 85,000 American troops, and millions of innocent civilians, in danger,” the senator continued.

The "Cadet Bone Spurs" remark was a reference to Trump’s medical condition he used to avoid being drafted into the Vietnam War.

Duckworth’s comments come after the Senate failed to pass a short-term spending bill by midnight Friday to keep the federal government open.

EDITOR’S NOTE: A five-deferment draft dodger. Ouch! That had to hurt. So, will the president lash out at this double-amputee war vet with one of his get-even tweets?

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