Tuesday, February 26, 2019


by Bob Walsh

I watched all of the Academy Award show Sunday. Start to finish, with my lady friend. It didn't suck too bad.

There was only one solid "I HATE TRUMP" moment, and a second that was s wobbler. There were also two acceptance speeches you could have sold tickets too. One was so long, rambling and incoherent they not only ran the music over them, but eventually turned off the stage lights and killed the mike. I don't know if they were all stoned, stupid or what but it was a HOOT.

Also the ratings were up 14% from last year, but since last year was the worst ratings in history I am not sure that is saying much. And they only ran over about 20 minutes, which isn't bad considering.


Trey Rusk said...

I would rather watch a dog vomit than listen to those elitist actors who believe they know everything. They are actors and should stick to their craft.

Dave Freeman said...

I fully agree with Trey.