Saturday, January 18, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Various media outlets are now reporting that Representative Ilham Omar IS (as opposed to might be) under active investigation by ICE, the FBI, the Dept. of Education, and maybe the IRS and SPCA.

The charges being investigated include at least eight instances of perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, multiple counts of federal and state tax fraud, student loan fraud, bigamy and mopery.

It is generally believed that she fraudulently changed her name to come to the U. S., cranked out a couple of kids, married her own brother in order to bring him to the U. S., (he has since split of the U.K.), filed some very dubious student loan paperwork and a shitload of funky tax stuff, including taking dependent deductions that were fanciful.

She is also being opposed in her own district by a female Muslim Republican in the next election.

She has repeatedly and conspicuously refused to respond to any media questions about any of these allegations. I am unsure she will be able to successfully tell the IRS, FBI, and ICE to go fuck themselves.

What the hell. She wouldn't be the first member of congress to be imprisoned, but might be the first to be deported. I wonder how she would like it back in buttcrack, Somalia or Yemen or whereeverthefuck it is she came from. She could do a PodCast on how to give hand jobs to camels.

EDITOR'S NOTE; Nothing of substance will come of this because she is a woman of color.


Trey Rusk said...

"She could do a PodCast on how to give hand jobs to camels." Now That's funny!

bob walsh said...

I am not sure I agree Howie. She has pissed off enough of the people in power on her own side of the aisle they just might decide they are better off without her.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Bob, those pissed-off Democrats have defended Omar all the way.