Friday, January 03, 2020


Early morning explosive tweet sounds like Melania may have locked her husband out of her bedroom

“A lot of very good people were taken down by a small group of Dirty (Filthy) Cops, politicians, government officials, and an investigation that was illegally started & that SPIED on my campaign A lot of very good people were taken down by a small group of Dirty (Filthy) Cops, politicians, government officials, and an investigation that was illegally started & that SPIED on my campaign. The Witch Hunt is sputtering badly, but still going on (Ukraine Hoax!). If this had happened to a Presidential candidate, or President, who was a Democrat, everybody involved would long ago be in jail for treason (and more), and it would be considered the CRIME OF THE CENTURY, far bigger and more sinister than Watergate!

That’s the explosive tweet Trump sent out early Thursday morning from his Mar-A-Lago resort.

Wow, that’s quite a rant. Trump must have had a terrible night. Could it be that Melania locked him out of her bedroom Wednesday night?

By politicians he must have meant Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schitt, Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters, Rashida Tlaib, Al Green, Sheila Jackson Lee and all the other low-down Democrats who want to dump Trump. And he probably included James Comey among the filthy cops.

In defense of Trump, let’s not forget that he has been under daily attack by the Demoncrats and the media, not since he took office in January 2017, but since he beat the Hildebeast in November 2016. That would entitle even the most mentally fit person to fly off the handle from time to time.

But just in case … Melania, please have pity on the poor bastard and don’t lock him out of your bedroom anymore.


Trey Rusk said...

Everyone has bad days or nights. But when Trump has a good night, I'll bet it's a really good night.

bob walsh said...

Maybe he couldn't see the last episode of The Witcher on Netflix and got a little wound up.