Thursday, September 24, 2020


In 40 Days We Will Know

by Bob Walsh

In ancient, prehistoric days (before the invention of the I-Phone) one of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, was asked what sort of government the founders had given us.  He replied, "A republic, if you can keep it."

In 40 days (or more in New Jersey, Chicago, St. Louis and anywhere else ballot boxes are likely to be "found" weeks after the election) the voters of America, many of who will be actual citizens entitled to vote, will very possibly make that decision for the next 40 years or so.  

On one side we have a remarkably defective and irritating man who, IMHO, is trying very hard to do what he promised to do 4 years ago and is, for the most part, doing what he promised to do.

On the other side we have a pack of anarchists, nihilists, psychopaths and parasites doing their best to both rip off and destroy the system.  Some just hate government.  Some just hate our government, because it is not "fair" because it does not give equal outcomes.  Some hate our system of government because they view slavery as or original sin (and maybe it is) and believe that somehow slavery was unique to our society.  Of course it wasn't, but that doesn't matter.  Roughly 350,000 Americans died to destroy that system.  Roughly another 250,000 died defending it.  Freedom and justice did prevail, at a great cost in blood and treasure.

Many of the people fighting to destroy America now came to America fleeing the same conditions they want to impose on America now. 

Many of these "peaceful protesters" really believe that it is OK for people to riot, burn, loot and murder because they are angry.  They believe that cops are evil and that murderers, robbers and rapists only commit crimes in reaction to our oppressive system and that if our system wasn't so oppressive everything would be all fuzzy puppies and unicorns and we would not need police because everybody would be wonderful to everybody.  That, boys and girls, is a pipe dream in the literal sense of the phrase.  

So, do you really believe that Donald Trump personally killed 61% of America in the last five months by under-reacting to the Covid-19 bug?  If you do you will probably vote for the Harris-Biden ticket because you are a fucking idiot.  You will forget Pelosi and Cuomo telling people to get our on the Chinese New Year, stop being racist assholes and have fun.  

Does Donald Trump really piss you off?  If so you might vote against him by voting for the Harris-Biden ticket because you are pissed.  I urge you to think about it.  We did not hire Trump to run the Welcome Wagon.  We hired him to run the country.  Do you want to turn the whole country into an open borders representation of Portland or Chicago or Baltimore?  If that's what you really want, go for it.  If it isn't what you want, what makes you think that voting for Senile Joe or Krazy Kamala is going to get you what you do want?

If, on the other hand you think that Trump is doing a decent job considering the pile of shit he has recently been handed maybe you should vote for him.  If you think that appointing justices to the courts who actually believe that words have meaning and that judges are not suppose to make the laws, you should definitely vote for Trump.  If you want to maintain your rights to religious freedom, freedom of speech and the right to defend yourself,. you should damn well better to vote for Trump.  

Trump isn't wonderful.  However, in 41 days (if they get the votes counted) the next President of the United States will be either Donald Trump or whoever has their arm up Joe Biden's ass to make his lips move.  Choose well.  In real life there is no rewind button.  The consequences of a bad choice could be dire.   


Dave Freeman said...

Nice piece Bob. I'm going to send it around if you don't mind.

bob walsh said...

Feel free.