Sunday, September 27, 2020


by Bob Walsh

It looks like Senile Joe and The Orange Man are actually going to get together and bump heads on Tuesday.  I have been saying all along that I expected the Senile Joe's handlers were going to pull him out.  I grant you it could still go down that way, but they will have to come up with something pretty substantial or it will look just like it would be, a weasel because Joe is scared.

Of course it is possible he is too senile to realize that he is senile.  Maybe they have him pumped so full of Adderall and speed that his brain is firing on about 60% of it's synapses.

It will be real interesting to see if he goes 5150 the first time Trump pushes one of his buttons, and you KNOW that will happen.  

This one I plan to watch.  

I have been wrong before.  In 1963 I bet on Sonny Liston against Cassius Clay.  I still think Liston took a dive.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Wrong again.  Liston did not take a dive.  Early in the fight, Clay asked his handlers to throw in the towel which they refused to do.  The rest is history.  Liston lost because he was high on heroin.
As for the debate, you've let your belittling of Biden misguide you.  All that senile crap and hair sniffing shit is not what constitutes Biden.  He's old, not senile.  I really hope Trump trounces the White Obama but I'm not selling him short.  


Dave Freeman said...

I still maintain that this debate will not happen.

bob walsh said...

We will know for sure in a couple of days.