Thursday, September 24, 2020


And That Senile Joe's Claim That He Is Clueless Is Almost Certainly Bullshit

by Bob Walsh

The senate is of course controlled by Republicans so the Democrats will write this off as election year character assassination.  That being said, after going over several tens of thousands of official government documents (including state department and secret service) they concluded that Hunter Biden was paid millions of dollars by both Russian and Chinese firms essentially to be Hunter Biden and run interference for them, using his daddy's name to insulate them from scrutiny.  Mostly it worked.  

Hunter himself said on the record that he had no expertise in the fields of the companies that paid him, and allowed that it was likely they hired him because of who his old man was.  His daddy, Senile Joe, at least once BRAGGED about shaking down the Ukraine government to force them to drop the investigation of his son.  

Clearly if Senile Joe wins the election this will all go away.  If the Democrats take the senate it MIGHT go away, or it might not, depending on how the A. G. feels about things.  

Hunter traveled to many of his "business meetings" as supercargo on board Air Force 2.  It must be nice to be able to make a strong appearance with the trappings of government behind you.


Dave Freeman said...

Well "DUH." Anyone who follows the news and isn't a committed lefty knew this months ago.

gary said...

Yeah, I think most of us concluded this a long time ago. Glad the Senate caught up.