Sunday, September 27, 2020



Daily Mail

September 26, 2020 


Amy Coney Barrett and her husband Jesse are members of People of Praise, a small group that teaches that wives have to obey their husbands in everything. 

Barrett, 48, concealed her membership in the 'Big Brother' group from senators when she was before the Justice Committee in September 2017. 

Barrett is Donald Trump's favorite to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Trump previously nominated her to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. 

The People of Praise religious group inspired the hit TV show The Handmaid's Tale, which depicts a dystopian world where women are oppressed. 

All male and single female member of People of Praise are assigned a personal advisor of their own sex, originally called 'heads' for men and 'handmaids' for women.

The 'handmaid' title was dropped after the runaway success of the Hulu series and replaced with 'woman leader'.

Bill Maher called Barrett a 'fucking nut' and 'speaking in tongues' Catholic.   



Donald Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett, 48, to the Supreme Court to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: President and Melania introduce 'one of the nation's most brilliant legal minds' with her husband and seven children at the White House


Daily Mail 

September 26, 2020


President Donald Trump officially nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to serve on the United States Supreme Court during a Rose Garden ceremony at the White House Saturday. 


'Today is it my pleasure to nominate one of our nation's most brilliant and gifted legal minds,' Trump said, making his nomination official as Barrett stood to his side. 


Barrett had been a leading contender for the nomination, having been considered for the seat now occupied by Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was confirmed in 2018. 


The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals judge had met with Trump this week. She entered the Rose Garden in lock step with the president, with her seven children and husband and first lady Melania Trump not far behind. 


'This should be a straighforward and prompt confirmation,' Trump said with a laugh, adding, 'Good luck. We said that the last time.' He played up his own campaign's theme of 'law and order' during his brief speech.   


bob walsh said...

Bill Mahr thinks any sincere monotheist is a "fucking nut." And says so loud and often.

Dave Freeman said...

The democraps are grasping at straws and coming up with such outlandish accusations that even some of their own crowd is laughing at them. Amy Barrett will be confirmed.

bob walsh said...

Unless they find something the FBI check did not find 3 years ago I am confident you are right Dave.

Mags-White lives matter said...

I’m pro life and anti-dual loyal Americans who obsessively write on this blog how they are more concerned with a foreign country of Zionist/ religious origins that shares zero values of the us. Yet you fools get a crazy speak in tingues
When they convince our bitch Leader and he moves an embassy you think he actually likes the Kikes
Yet when he wins again the deal of the century will be more important than giving theheebs all they want and you fools will realize you've all been played by an American without duel isreali-American- pollard duel loyalty. No more Sheldon adelson Mooney needed , now he sells out the Zionist to appease the Arabs and the zionists will lose it and go crazy. He just sees Jews as a stupid tool to use their dual loyalty against