Tuesday, October 05, 2021


Michael Corey Jr: Pedo accused of 45 sex crimes is beaten 15 times in jail by inmates


By Pragati Pal  



October 4, 2021



                            Michael Corey Jr: Pedo accused of 45 sex crimes is beaten 15 times in jail by inmates Michael George Corey Jr has been in jail for three-and-a-half years after he was arrested in February 2018 on 45 counts of sex crimes against a boy, 8, and two girls, ages 10 and 11  


WICHITA, KANSAS: A Texas native, Michael George Corey Jr, who is in jail for beating and sexually assaulting three kids was beaten 15 times by three fellow inmates after they saw his trial on the news. Corey, 36, was attacked on Wednesday, September 29, according to Wichita County Sheriff, David Duke. He informed that the incident happened shortly after Corey's trial was on the news.

The attack on Corey, which lasted around one minute happened while he was being returned to a part of the jail that housed suspects accused of the most serious offenses. Corey has been in jail for three-and-a-half years after he was arrested in February 2018 on 45 counts of sex crimes against a boy, 8, and two girls, ages 10 and 11. He is held on a $675,000 bond.

Before his arrest, Corey was out on 10 years' probation on three counts of injury to a child in 2016. Both cases involved the same children. In the first case, Corey allegedly forced the kid to bend over and take up to 90 'licks' from a paddle with zip ties tied around it while his foster parents watched, reports cited. Charges against the foster parents, however, were later dropped. In the second case, Corey reportedly forced the children to engage in sex acts on each other. The kids did everything he asked them to because their beatings would be more severe if they didn't.

Police reported that they found a laptop that Corey allegedly would play pornography on during the abuse. The 45 charges on Corey include 15 counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child, 12 counts of employing, inducing, or authorizing a child to engage in sexual performance, 10 counts of indecency with a child by sexual contact, five counts of indecency with a child by exposure and three counts of continuous sexual abuse of a child under 14. The case came to notice after a staff the boy's school informed the cops of the abuse. The other children's abuse was discovered when police stopped at their mobile home in the 1100 block of Hawthorne.

Corey was seen with a bruise and a black eye the day after he was assaulted. Sheriff Duke noted that five jail officers intervened in less than a minute to stop the beating. The three inmates involved in the beating will face charges. Corey's trial is set to be resume on Monday, October 4.

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