Wednesday, December 22, 2021


by Bob Walsh

Pope Francis has just issued, thru the liturgy office, a clarification document forbidding the celebration of some of the sacraments in Latin in a move that is likely to piss off some of the old traditionalists in the church.  

Some of the old timers are angry that the Pope seems to spend a lot of time and energy on environmental and social justice issues and very little on traditional church matters.  

As of now individual bishops must authorize the celebration of the old Tridentine Mass and newly ordained priests must receive specific permission to perform this mass from their bishops, in consultation with the Vatican.  In addition the old rites are no longer permitted in the confirmation and ordination of new priests.  It will also be difficult to use the old sacraments of Baptism, Marriage and Anointing the Sick. 

I guess the Pope is trying to make a point.

Merry Christmas.     

1 comment:

Trey said...

We live near one of the last Catholic Churches that still performs Latin Mass. It is the most beautiful church and grounds in our little city.