Wednesday, June 28, 2023


 By Bob Walsh

Performance failures by prison staff led to Jeffrey Epstein's (right) suicide, according to a new report
Performance failures by prison staff led to Jeffrey Epstein’s (right) suicide, according to a new report


What will hopefully be the last chapter of the Jeffrey Epstein story the DOJ IG has concluded that Epstein did kill himself and was able to do so largely due to repeated and overlapping instanced of negligence and stupidity some of which was at least marginally criminal.

Much of the problem was due to overworked "guards" pencil-whipping the be checks because they were very overworked or bone tired.  At least one of the tier officers was on a 24 hour shift.  Epstein did not have a cell mate and should have.  He also had an overissue of linen which allowed him to fashion a noose easily.  Also most of the tier surveillance cameras were dead and the BOP was sort of casual about getting them fixed.

A total of 13 employees were dinged in the latest report for crappy job performance.  Charges were recommended against four of them.  Only two workers have been charged, the tier cops who falsified the suicide check logs.  

BOP has about 30,000 employees (less than California in its heyday of lock them up) and 158,000 inmates (about what CA had at it's peak).  Its budget is about $8 billion.  They have serious staff shortages and other issues.  Their pay scales are not that great until you crawl up the promotion ladder a bit.

BOP is, in response, reviewing its procedures.  That's nice.

Both the NY medical examiner and the FBI have also produced reports along the way, also concluding that Epstein killed himself.

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