Monday, June 10, 2024


By Bob Walsh

Matt Taibbi, The Stupidest Law Ever, Issue 1180

The focus is Proposition 47.  It was passed by voters in 2014 who didn't bother to read the actual language and only read the title, which promised a huge degree of wonderfulness.  What it ACTUALLY did was make commercial shoplifting in CA more-or-less legal.

Eventually the business community got tired of it.  Also real people got tired of stores closing down in response to rampant in-your-face shoplifting, which essentially became a traffic ticket as long as the actual haul was limited to less than $950.

So, the people fired up a ballot proposition for this coming November that would repeal many of the more egregious problems of Proposition 47. Trouble is the legislature is angry that the actual voters are actually trying to do something to make their lives better.  

One of the things they are doing is fighting like hell to keep the ballot initiative off of the ballot for fear it may pass and be held to be constitutional.  

Another thing they are trying is a poison pill.  The legislature is attempting its own modification-reform of Proposition 47 in an effort to keep the new proposition off the ballot.  Kind of like they did, admittedly half-heartedly, when 3-strikes passed.  They are proposing changes that would be positive but which would also be cancelled if the ballot initiative in fact passes.  They will then of course fight like hell to have the new proposition invalidated by the courts.  It is kind of a "Fuck you peasants, go away.   We are smarter than you and better able to direct your lives than you are." 

The legislature is still fighting to have the court throw the voters initiative off the ballot.  If that move is successful then I have the strange feeling that the legislative attempts to reform Prop 47 may simply fade away. 

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