Thursday, September 15, 2011


Former president Jimmy Carter, who has called Israel an apartheid state, voiced his support for the forthcoming bid by the Palestinians to gain U.N. recognition as an independent state.

Here are is an excerpt from a report on Carter’s decision in the September 13 issue of the Washington Post:

Former President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday he supports the Palestinians’ effort to secure statehood recognition at the United Nations this month, despite White House concerns for the region.

The Georgia Democrat said he wouldn’t be in favor of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ bid to win U.N. recognition if President Barack Obama’s administration had “put forward any sort of comprehensive peace proposal.” But he told Palestinians have few other options but to seek statehood since no deal is in the works.

“As an alternative to a deadlock and a stalemate now, we reluctantly support the Palestinian move for recognition,” he said at a town hall event at the Carter Center in Atlanta.

Carter said it would be a “real step forward” even if a nonmember Palestinian state were recognized.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Considering Carter’s many anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian pronouncements, I seriously doubt if there was any reluctance in his decision to support the statehood bid.

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