Saturday, September 24, 2011


Thanks to that piece of shit Lawrence Brewer, murderers about to be executed will no longer receive a special last meal. When Brewer ordered two chicken fried steaks, a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, fried okra, a pound of barbecue, three fajitas, a meat lover’s pizza, a pint of ice cream and a slab of peanut butter fudge with crushed peanuts, he brought about the end of those special last meal requests.

Last meal requests should never have been granted in the first place. As Sen. Whitmire said, a special last meal is an "extremely inappropriate" privilege given that the murderer did not provide his victim that same privilege.

It should be noted that Brewer, the unrepentant white supremacist, was being a royal fucking asshole to the bitter end, making a mockery out of his sumptuous request. He did not eat any of the seven-course two dessert meal he ordered and all that food ended up being discarded.

By Richard Connelly

Houston Press Hair Balls
September 22, 2011

Houston State Senator John Whitmire, who wields great influence on prison issues, says he wants to do away with granting last meal requests for inmates about to be executed.

The over-the-top meal of Lawrence Brewer, executed last night for the dragging death of James Byrd, was the last straw. Whitmire wrote to the executive director of the Texas Criminal Justice Division that he had long opposed the practice, and "enough is enough."

“For TDCJ to allow inmate Brewer to order...two chicken fried steaks, a triple meat bacon cheeseburger, a cheese omelet, a large bowl of fried okra, three fajitas, a pint of Blue Bell ice cream and a pound of barbecue with half a loaf of white bread is ridiculous.”

"I am asking you to end this practice immediately or I am prepared to do so by statute next session," he wrote.

Whitmire said the last meal request is an "extremely inappropriate" privilege, "one which the perpetrator did not provide to their victim."

TDCJ Executive Director Brad Livingston promptly issued the following statement:

“I believe Senator Whitmire's concerns regarding the practice of allowing death row offenders to choose their last meal are valid. Effective immediately, no such accommodations will be made. They will receive the same meal served to other offenders on the unit.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: Bob Walsh wrote, “Personally I think they should get a happy meal, but maybe that’s just me.” To which someone replied, “Bob, make sure it’s the healthy version – no fries or soda. Instead apple slices and juice/milk. Don’t want the condemned to die from clogged arteries. Oh yeah, no toy either. This IS Death Row!”

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