Monday, August 04, 2014


When California parolee Cedric Ramirez opened fire on pursuing police from inside a Pico Rivera house, a L.A. sheriff's deputy mistook Frank Mendoza for the parolee and shot the innocent man dead as he was fleeing his home

On Friday evening cops were in pursuit of Cedric Ramirez, a California parolee. During the pursuit, Ramirez broke into a Pico Rivera house. When officers tried to remove the residents from the home, Ramirez opened fire on them. The cops then took up a defensive position in the front yard. As Frank Mendoza fled out the front door of his home, a Los Angeles sheriff's deputy mistook him for Ramirez and shot him twice, killing the innocent man.

Ramirez stayed in the house, holding Mendoza's wife hostage. After eight hours of futile negotiations, a SWAT team rushed the house and shot the scumbag dead. Mrs. Mendoza was not hurt.

On a number of occasions I have lamented the fact that cops are piss-poor shots. It's too bad that in this instance, the deputy who killed Mendoza was a good shot.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

This is one of those horrible errors that happens from time to time in the real world. I am sure both the cop and the dead man's family are devastated by this. Damn shame.