Sunday, December 02, 2018


by Bob Walsh

The formerly great state of California has just given official approval for the gathering of signatures to put an initiative on the ballot to kill Jerry's Toy Train (otherwise known as the not-so-high-speed-train to nowhere and officially known as the HIgh-Speed Rail Authority). It would also revamp the state's transportation funding, which may be muddying the waters a bit. That is the trouble with many ballot initiatives, they try to do too much and end up losing their focus.

Besides killing HSR the initiative would shift about $10 billion in state revenue to local transportation projects. This would tend to take away money from other projects as no new funding is created. This means money for lawyers for undocumented democrats, therapeutic underwater basket weaving for prisoners and sex education projects for 7-year old transgender public school students would be endangered.

The primary goal of this proposal would be to require that 100% of state transportation funding in fact goes to transportation projects. The official title of the proposal, as required by the A.G. (who is of course a democrap) is, "Removes responsibility and funding for state highway construction and maintenance from state. Transfers such responsibility and funding to individual, local government. Ends state high speed rail project." This is of course misleading. That is the idea, as far as the A.G. is concerned. He is a good, solid democrap.

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