Monday, December 10, 2018


The tax revolt has now spread throughout France and even to other European countries

For the 4th weekend in a row, Paris cops beat the shit out of protesters with their nightsticks and arrested over 1,000 of the rioters. The tax revolt has now spread throughout France and even to other European countries.

Paris looks like a war zone with burning autos and mobs battling the police.

As I recall, there was hardly any resistance to Nazi troops as they entered and occupied Paris during WW2. And there was hardly any resistance by the Germans as the Allies reoccupied the city. In both instances Paris looked rather peaceful at the time. No battling in the streets then, no burning vehicles. Not so today.

Ah, but the Paris cops keep clobbering the protesters with their nightsticks and filling up the jails, as well as the hospitals with those who’ve had their clocks cleaned.

Can you just see such riots taking place in NY or LA? The cops wouldn’t dare to use their nightsticks to clobber rioters. And they would be ordered to make as few arrests as possible. That’s the politically correct way of policing in America nowadays.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

I would feel sorry about it if the Louvre burnt down. Maybe Notre Dame too. Other than that I would not care if all of Paris fell into the Sein and dissolved.